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The Full Story

Island Jest was born out of a love for doing Improv Comedy. The main man behind Island Jest is Eric Rivers.

He got his first taste of Improv Comedy when he signed up for a 6-week Improv Crash course that was hosted by his now friend Kenneth Lai of Ask for Improv (

He absolutely loved it and had an absolute blast doing the two performances that were at the end of the 6-week course. He loved it so much that he signed up for another 6-weeks of training and another two performances.

He truly believes that laughter and feeling good are the best forms of medicine and by facilitating and performing comedy help spread that medicine and a really fun way to make a living.

Contact Eric below if you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming show or have any ideas on how he can spread comedy far and wide.

He also does team-building comedy sessions that not only improve relationships between coworkers but also assists team members abilities to deal with customers in a kind and fun way, handling anything that is thrown at them.

Let’s Work Together

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